Thursday, 20 September 2007

Cam's Gigs of the Week - September 20th

So, who got out to Fiesta last weekend? I have to admit that while I was in the Valley on Saturday afternoon I spent most of my time at Ric's seeing Carry Nation and Rooftop Nightwatch, and then my evening was spent at the Lofly Hangar in Red Hill (which is a really cool place, by the way). All I saw was Tim Steward and Silversun Pickups (who I'd first heard of one week prior) on Friday night.

Anyway... that's the past, here's the future.

Friday 21st:
Vegas Kings, Hits and Rocket Parade @ The Troubadour - Raising money for Vegas Kings' forthcoming European tour.

Saturday 22nd:
The Shake Up, Jump 2 Lightspeed @ Ric's
Dizzy Gotheca - Metro on Gipps be honest that's about all that catches my eye this weekend. There are a few other things going on this weekend but nothing substantial or relevant enough to list here (eg: Butcher Birds with Something For Kate at The Zoo, Blue Carousel at Rosie's, etc). I guess that this is the lull after last weekend's storm.

Oh, you could go to the Moon Festival if you want.

More substantial posts coming soon. Promise.

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